Friday, October 2, 2015

Changing the Static Internal Network IP Address of the Vicidial Server | Sorry, there are no available sessions

We did a revamp of the entire office network, so the old internal network IP addresses had to change. When the vendor installed our Vicidial Server, he preset it with the old one. 

Here's how I did the changes (2 important steps):

1. In Linux Shell Scripting Command Line, type the following:
sudo ifconfig eth0 <new IP address> netmask

Check afterwards if the IP address has been updated by typing:

2. Next, still in Linux Shell Scripting Command Line, type the following to change the same IP address in the Vicidial Database:
After that, just follow the prompts. What I did was to keep pressing Enter and it knew what IP address was the old one and which one was the new one.

This second step is important, because it will re-point the Vicidial Database internal network IP addresses to the new one. If you forget to do this, you'll get the error "Sorry, there are no available sessions" when you log in as an agent.


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