Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Schedule Daily Job on Deletion of Old Recordings

I previously wrote an entry on freeing up space in Vicidial by deleting old recordings and log files (see here). Previously, I didn't have to do this frequently. Now, I have to perform this every 2-3 days thanks to the high volume of calls.

With that, I learned that scheduling this job daily saves me a lot of time from having to do this manually by editing the cron file.

Type in SSH
crontab -e

Add to the bottom then save
### remove WAV files and remove log file daily at after office hours
30 18 * * * rm -f /var/spool/asterisk/monitorDONE/ORIG/*.wav
30 18 * * * rm -f /var/log/httpd/*
35 18 * * * sudo reboot

For this job I've scheduled, it's set to delete old WAV files and logs at 6:30pm then reboot at 6:35pm every day. For more info on the how to add jobs in cron, check here.

Change Logo in Vicidial to Own Company Logo

If you'd like to customize or personalize Vicidial for your company, you can change the Vicidial Logo into your Company Logo. If you have multiple Vicidial Servers in your company and would like to help the agents differentiate them, changing the logo is also one way of helping them distinguish if they're in the right place.

For the first step, I looked for the location of the 2 logo image files and saved it. See below for the images. For mine, one image file is for the front page/login/agent screen, while the other one is for the administration pages. Different versions have different locations and image types!

Logos in Front Page, Log In, Agent Screen
Linux Location: /var/www/html/agc/images/vdc_tab_vicidial.gif

Logos in Administration
Linux Location: /var/www/html/vicidial/vicidial_admin_web_logo.gif

For the second step, I made my logo files fit the dimension of 220 pixels to around 60 pixels and saved it both as vdc_tab_vicidial.gif and vicidial_admin_web_logo.gif -- it must be the same name, so you won't have to tweak the PHP Files. For other versions, the original image file is in .PNG, so you have to save yours in .PNG. I just use regular ol' MS Paint.

For the third step, I used WinSCP to find the folders where the logos need to be (see step 1 in determining the address). I replaced the old logo files with the new ones. It was a lot easier for me to upload files using WinSCP rather than SSH. If you can do it through SSH (unlike me), you won't need WinSCP anymore.

Finally, once you've replaced the logos, use CTRL + SHIFT + R to reload the page with the new logo! For this example, I made a little rainbow colored "Hello World".