Wednesday, February 15, 2017

8 Sockets Detached Only in Asterisk, Can't call Softphone

After my hard drive was full again from recordings, I deleted the extra recordings and then rebooted. After this, the users told me that their X-Lite (our softphone) wasn't being called into the conference anymore.

For those unfamiliar, every time the agent logs into the website of Vicidial, the softphone will ring and will join a conference. Vicidial will dial numbers and when it gets an answered call, it will connect this phone call to the conference.

Upon checking using the "screen -ls" command, there are only 8 sockets detached (vs the usual 9). I found that "astsend" was missing. I assume this is the socket that "sends" the calls to the softphones.

I found 2 suggestions on how to fix it:

1. Recompile Asterisk - I don't know how to do this exactly, but might be worth looking into for those who know how to do this.

2. Perform a Mysql Repair - Thankfully, this was the solution that worked for me! Turns out, when deleting unwanted recordings, it also damaged the mysql database.
mysqlcheck --auto-repair asterisk
sudo reboot
After performing the mysql repair and rebooting, Asterisk now calls my X-lite again.

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