Tuesday, October 27, 2015


I'm setting up an inbound campaign and I wanted to use a recording we made for our voice mail. When selecting the audio-chooser, I encountered this message when I was selecting an audio-prompt for when there's nobody available to answer.

Steps to Fix:
  1. Go to Admin >> System Settings
  2. Change the following items:
    - "Central Sounds Control Active" and select "1" instead of "0".
    - "Allow Voicemail Greeting Chooser" and set to "1"
    - "Sounds Web Server" to whatever IP address you are currently using. Make sure it's not the default "".
  3. Click on the Audio Store in the Admin System Settings in the left menu. The most striking message there should be "We STRONGLY recommend uploading only 16bit Mono 8k PCM WAV audio files(.wav) "
  4. Upload the audio file for the recording.
  5. Go to the voice mail entry and there will be an option for "Voicemail Greeting" with "audio chooser" at the right side. Click on "audio chooser" and select the .wav file you just uploaded.


Friday, October 2, 2015

MySQL Connect Error in Vicidial

Because my UPS failed, my Vicidial Server did not get to shutdown properly when the power flickered for a second. This caused the MySQL error and I can't get past anything after clicking "Agent" or "Administration".

Here's what I did in the Linux Command Line:
mv /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock.bak
service mysqld start

After that, it was okay. Keep this piece of code close to you, if you expect power outages to happen... or if you're too lazy to use "sudo poweroff". See reason for this code at the source from stackoverflow.com


Source: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20407292/centos-another-mysql-daemon-already-running-with-the-same-unix-socket

Changing the Static Internal Network IP Address of the Vicidial Server | Sorry, there are no available sessions

We did a revamp of the entire office network, so the old internal network IP addresses had to change. When the vendor installed our Vicidial Server, he preset it with the old one. 

Here's how I did the changes (2 important steps):

1. In Linux Shell Scripting Command Line, type the following:
sudo ifconfig eth0 <new IP address> netmask

Check afterwards if the IP address has been updated by typing:
Source:  http://www.howtogeek.com/118337/stupid-geek-tricks-change-your-ip-address-from-the-command-line-in-linux/

2. Next, still in Linux Shell Scripting Command Line, type the following to change the same IP address in the Vicidial Database:
After that, just follow the prompts. What I did was to keep pressing Enter and it knew what IP address was the old one and which one was the new one.

This second step is important, because it will re-point the Vicidial Database internal network IP addresses to the new one. If you forget to do this, you'll get the error "Sorry, there are no available sessions" when you log in as an agent.

Source: http://striker24x7.blogspot.com/2014/01/sorry-there-are-no-available-sessions.html

Introduction to this Blog

I am starting this blog because I'm sick of seeing solutions that I can't follow. I'm also sick of seeing so much jargon on the internet and following through forums!

I'm not technical expert. I'm not going to have everything in this blog. I don't even think I'm the right person to ask! However, I would like to contribute to the world so that normal folks like me won't have to go through hell in deciphering what people are talking about in forums.

Each entry will be entitled how I would search for solutions to a problem. Solutions will come with links to other people's blogs or forums that I found helpful in resolving the problem (need to give credit where it is due).

With this blog, I hope I can help the world make sense of Vicidial. Feel free to write comments and ask questions. No guarantee that I will be able to help, but hope for the best!

If this does help you, give me a shout out in the comments section! Just so I know someone's finding this helpful.